Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Breath of Progressive Fresh Air

Mark your calendars folks! This Monday, September 8th, marks the debut of the Rachel Maddow show. Her show will immediately follow Countdown with Keith Olbermann in an attempt to keep those MSNBC ratings high. I've have been hoping for months that the powers-that-be at the network would see the value in giving Rachel her own show, and low and behold, they must have agreed with me. Below is an interview Rachel gave with Think Progress about the format and so forth:

Also, last Friday marked the beginning of the fall season of Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO. We had added HBO to our cable package just as the last season of Real Time was ending. Now, with Keith, Rachel and Bill Maher on each week, it's starting to feel like there are at least, well, three voices of reason on mainstream television. It's downright refreshing and will help me keep my sanity as the country fumbles toward it's next presidential election. Will reason win out this time around? It certainly seems to have a louder voice than in the previous two presidential elections.

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