Sunday, August 31, 2008

No Shows at the RNC

It has been announced today that Satan himself and his little minion named George will not be attending the Republican National Convention. That's right: it seems that a certain tropical storm named Gustav is going to rain on their parade. I was kind of looking forward to the all the bluster and fear spewing forth from the gaping holes of George W. Bush and the dick they call Dick. The list of Republican no-shows is getting longer and longer. (No Susan Collins, no Gordon Smith, no Larry Craig (it seems he doesn't want to have to visit the Minneapolis airport again,) no Chuck Hagel (who recently praised Obama' running mate Joe Biden,) but you can count on Joe Lieberman being there. He's the new Zell Miller. Remembering the slavering, sputtering traitor?

On another note about the improbable closeness of this presidential race: Obama easily filled Mile High Stadium (I refuse to call it by its corporate name) with 80,000 supporters, while John McCain was having trouble giving away 10,000 tickets for his event announcing his running mate. Oh, and what a running mate! Lock up your pet moose, she's got a gun and a taste for wild game.

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