Saturday, September 6, 2008

Be Afraid . . . Be Very Afraid

So first John McCain seeks out Rev. John Hagee's endorsement, but then he has to distance himself from the pastor's nutty pronouncements. He also had to break his public ties with Rod Parsely, because of Parsely's anti-Muslim statements. Back before the 2000 election he called Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson "agents of intolerance" and now he has someone with a similar mindset as his vice presidential running mate. This warped theology they push worships the affluent and leaves the poor to fend for themselves. If you don't think that Sarah Palin should be lumped in with these extremists then take a gander at the videos below and be schooled in the language of the fundamentalists. I do not plan to sit on the sidelines while the crazed Christians do their best to warp this country into their own vision.

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