Friday, September 12, 2008

And the Lies Just Keep on Coming

Being a veteran myself it still galls me that McCain claims to have help pass the most recent G.I. Bill when in actuality he was opposed to the bill. He agreed with the Bush administration's cockamamie reasoning that offering soldiers an education after they got out of the service would cause a depletion in forces. The reality (always different from the Republican viewpoint) is that the attraction of the new benefits would attract enough new volunteers that there would not be any depletion caused by soldiers wanting to get out and get educated. I wasn't lucky enough to get the G.I. Bill when I was in the air force. It ended the year before I joined. We had a crappy program called VEAP. For every dollar I put the government would put in two...up to a total of $8,100. That didn't even pay for two years of electronics school. I still had to take out student loans to make up the difference.

Here is a piece I found on Andrew Sullivan's blog at the Atlantic Monthly, exposing the lies of John McCain.

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