Friday, September 12, 2008

John McCain the Whiner

I am really tired of John McCain claiming the negative and deceptive ads recently put up by his campaign are only used because Barack Obama refused to accept McCain's offer of a series of town hall type debates. So in other words, if Obama had just agreed to do things McCain's way, then his campaign wouldn't have been forced to release lie after preposterous lie about Barack Obama. I've even heard McCain stick to his guns about the "lipstick on a pig" comment, which no sane person believes that Obama was in any way referring to S. Palin. John McCain himself has used that phrase at least three times in the last year, and once specifically referring to Hillary Clinton's health care plan.

I find it hard to write about politics lately, because just the thought that enough ignorant Americans could elect the party of ultimate hypocrisy into office again, after being screwed by the Bush/Cheney regime for the last seven years, fills me with sadness. Why can't people learn to sift through the bullshit that makes up American culture and learn the facts for themselves? The right wing has managed to get their views included in any debate even when they are categorically wrong. Do we really need to listen to the other side on evolution and global warming when the scientific data is clear? And if you don't think that the data is conclusive why not read up on these very important issues that concern the globe? When you live life with blinders on you'll never discover the reality that surrounds you.

The Republicans are constantly saying that they want to keep the government out of our lives and yet they want to impose the morals on the rest of us. If they really want to stay out of our lives then what is the problem with women having choice? When Sarah Palin says she is against abortion even in the case of rape or incest (Alaska having the highest incidences of rape in the country) she says it's because she "chooses life." But she somehow thinks it's okay to take that power of choice away from the rest of the women in this country. Banning books at your local library is another instance of the government interfering with my intellectual well-being.

It's just more hypocrisy from the masters of deceit. They don't want the government out of lives completely. They just don't want the government to be a helping hand for those in need. They want everyone to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps even if one doesn't have any boots!

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