Monday, August 24, 2009

FFRF Convention 2009

I'm excited to announce that I am registered to attend this year's Freedom From Religion convention, which is taking place in Seattle. I started attending two years ago, and vowed that I would make it a yearly ritual. The first convention was in Madison, Wisconsin, where FFRF has their headquarters. Last year it was held in Chicago. Thankfully, due to economics and my personal transitions of late, I'm glad it's being held in my hometown this year. A few of this year's featured speakers include Ron Reagan, a self-described "unabashed atheist" and resident of Seattle; Jennifer Michael Hecht, author of Doubt: A History; and former Los Angeles Times religion reporter William Lobdell, whose new memoir is entitled Losing My Religion. Lobdell will be receiving this year's “Emperor Has No Clothes” Award. Also appearing will be the science fiction and fantasy legend Ursula Le Guin, who will also receive an “Emperor Has No Clothes” Award. I have hardcover copies of the books by Hecht and Lobdell that I plan on getting signed, and I'm hoping that I can get my copy of Le Guin's translation of the Tao te Ching signed.

Religious folks claim to be inspired by the fantasies they are told while in church, but I can state that I have been greatly inspired by being in a crowd of people, who are able to think for themselves and place reason above superstition. We're not a bunch of haters either, because FFRF has honored people of faith who have worked to keep church and state separate. The biggest haters I have witness are those who claim to be children of God (their capitalization), when they urge the stoning of heretics, gays, adulterers, and many others. It's their way or the highway to hell.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ignorance is Piss

All of these loud ignorant buffoons that are out there protesting government takeover of health care are not the majority. They are just the proverbial squeaky wheel. I have a revision to that old saying though: The squeaky wheel should be immediately removed and thrown into the nearest ditch. I saw a group of these pseudo-patriots over the weekend, standing on a corner with their flags waving. I'm assuming that the flags indicate that they believe that they are the real and true Americans. If you believe in a corporate controlled America, and want to do all you can to protect those capitalist pigs, who have been destroying our country, then maybe you can call yourself a true American®. I prefer to think of myself as an individual and a freethinker. Let the masses follow their corporate leaders right into the sea like the lemmings they are. (Of course, this is an insult to actual lemmings.)