Friday, August 29, 2008

Back-to-Back Conventions

The Democratic Convention finished up last night with a stellar speech by the nominee Barack Obama. I wish I had the energy and free time that some bloggers have, so that I could have given a play-by-play of the various speeches during the week. It was quite an inspirational convention. The speech highlights that I saw were Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Dennis Kucinich in addition to the acceptance speech by Barack Obama. I don't know if I'm even-tempered enough to watch any of the Republican Convention, which starts Monday. It will certainly be a summit of deceivers and incompetents. Rudy -9/11- Giuliani will be giving the key note address. You can be sure that they will do their best to try and instill fear into the hearts of millions, while trying to assure us that they are the only ones able to placate our fears with their big brass balls and weapons of mass deception. I'm still sickened by the last Republican convention when they mocked John Kerry's service by wearing their stupid purple band-aids. Meanwhile neo-cons like Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld never served, and we all know that George's daddy got him into the National Guard, which kept him stateside during the Vietnam War. I don't know how these hypocrites sleep at night. I know how their voters sleep, because ignorance is bliss and that ignorance would most likely lead to a blissful sleep. Meanwhile torture has been legalized, people have been kept under lock and key in Guantanamo for years without charges, the government can now tap my phone, open my mail and even enter my home without my knowledge. And my Republican parents just sigh when I rant about these things and say, "Well, we don't know much about that."

John McCain turned 72 years old today and announced Sarah Palin as his running mate. Palin should satisfy the raving lunatics on the evangelical right, because she is against abortion even in cases of rape or incest; she opposes gay marriage and health care benefits for same sex partners; she believes that creationism should be taught alongside evolution in the classroom. She a hardcore right-winger when it comes to Alaska too, endorsing the practice of shooting wolves from helicopters (to preserve moose and caribou populations for hunters); not believing that polar bears should be placed on the endangered species list; and she an avid supporter of drilling in ANWAR. These positions are really not too surprising for the Republicans, but I'm a little surprised that McCain (in his proverbial first executive decision) picked someone with so little experience when they are other perfectly qualified female Republicans available like Elizabeth Dole, Olympia Snowe, or Susan Collins. Instead McCain shows his true colors by picking the former beauty pageant contestant. Were you aware that his first wife and current wife Cindy were also beauty queens? And John was ready to enter his wife in the Miss Buffalo Chip contest at the most recent Sturgis bike rally.

Again I reiterate: This presidential race shouldn't even be close. The fact that it is is partly due to the corporate controlled media, but it's also due to the large portion of Americans that are sub intelligent beasts. Most of these bloodthirsty bastards also call themselves Christians. I'm realizing more and more that when someone declares themselves to be a Christian they are basically giving themselves permission to lie, cheat, murder with the promise of everlasting life in the clouds somewhere, as long ask they as for forgiveness and accept Jesus as their personal savior before their last breath. With this pious attitude they declare themselves unassailable. They don't need proof. They have faith. If one takes the time to examine these concepts they fall apart immediately.

I just need to slow my breathing and stop letting the fascist Republicans rain on my parade every day.

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