Thursday, August 21, 2008

Seattle Atheists/Agnostics Meetup

Tonight I attended my second meet-up of the Seattle Atheists and Agnostics. We met at Hale’s Brewery, which is over in the Ballard area of Seattle. We had a room to ourselves, which was more like the foyer in-between the restaurant and the room containing the brew vats. The turnout for our meet-up was around 50 or 60. From what I’ve heard the size of our membership rivals that of New York city, so evidently Seattle is a city full of heretics. I’m proud to call myself a happy member of that community. As always I got to the meeting place about an hour early, but somehow that helps allay any nervousness I have going in. A few others started arriving around 6:30, so I didn’t feel out of place being there so early (the meeting starts at 7 p.m.) Meet-ups are pretty informal gatherings. Once one is at the meeting it’s up to the individual to make introductions and keep conversations going. There are no official topics, or anything. It’s just an excuse for like-minded people to hang out together. Christers have their churches and freethinkers have their brewpubs. I wouldn’t want it any other way. Being the introvert that I am it will probably take me a year of meetings to actually make some acquaintances, but I think my continued attendance is a worthwhile thing. I need to learn to circulate among the other attendees. Instead I tend to stay ensconced at my table and let the conversations come to me. That method of socialization is not the most reliable.

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