Friday, November 7, 2008

It's Starting to Sink In

It's been two days since the election. Two days since it was announced to the world that Barack Obama would be the next president of these United States. He gave his first press conference today after meeting with his group of economic advisers. The press jumped to their feet when he entered the room. He was presidential -- as he always is -- and even cracked a few jokes. The atmosphere was refreshing. No more do we have to watch the smirking chimp bumbling his way through this job that he was never qualified for (or elected to) in the first place. The chimp is still president for another 74 days and, believe me, he is busy trying to rape and pillage right up until the last day. Today he was trying to enable mining companies to dig for uranium up to three miles from the Grand Canyon. Never mind what Obama will do when he enters office. It's what he is going to have to undo. Close Guantánamo Bay. Ban Torture. Save the constitution. I believe that Barack Obama is the president that can start to get this country back on track. When I travel to Europe in three years I will be representing a different America. An America that is finally starting to walk the walk.

The bad news from Election Day is the fact that Prop. 8 passed in California, banning gay marriage. The Mormon Church spent at least $25 million funding the proposition to take away basic civil rights of gays and lesbians. It's a tad ironic that the Mormon Church, with their history of polygamy, is touting "traditional marriage." What planet are they from again? I still have never heard a viable reason why gay marriage threatens heterosexual marriage. Trent Lott once likened homosexuality to kleptomania, and Rick Santorum compared it to bestiality. Yet the number of rich, white Republicans, who have traded in previous wives in exchange for trophy wives (Gingrich, Thompson, Giuliani)is staggering. And where are Mark Foley and Ted Haggard these days? Snorting meth and attending the local hypocrites meet-up?

With the election of Barack Obama I want to believe that the tide is turning. No matter how much evangelicals and Mormons stomp their feet gays and lesbians are not going away. And the younger generation that helped put Obama in the White House is not so hung up about same sex marriage.

That's my son Justin, wearing his Super Obama t-shirt that I picked up for him when I was in Chicago last month. Today he spontaneously said "President Barack Obama." I think that getting him out of bed on election night to witness Obama's speech, and then lighting sparklers in the backyard made an impression. In fact, he tried to use the "Watch Barack Obama" excuse tonight to get out of bed. I had to use the "Barack Obama is sleeping" ploy to get him back into bed.

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