Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pathetic Little Man

Oh jeez! Two weeks until election day and the Repugs just keep getting uglier and uglier. Thanks to Michelle Bachmann, a representative from Minnesota, who proposed that the media start investigating congress to sort the pro-American from the anti-Americans, Elwyn Tinklenberg, her previously unknown opponent, has now raised more than a quarter of a million dollars since her appearance on Hardball last Friday. Then I believe it was Saturday when Nancy Puff'n'Huff stated that the Democrats situated in Northern Virginia didn't represent "real Virginia." Today it was Mel Martinez of Florida comparing Obama's tax plan to Castro's Cuba, virtually calling Obama a Communist. It's disgusting and insulting to state that if you disagree with the Republican mindset than you must be anti-American. Look at the smears that have been hurled at Colin Powell since he endorsed Barack Obama on Meet the Press. Rush Limbaugh, Pat Buchanan, and George Will have all claimed that the endorsement was all about race. So I guess when McCain claims that he wants to reach across party lines and unite the country he's talking out his old wrinkly ass. Speaking of asses: Here is John McCain today trying so hard to be righteous and just looking downright foolish.

Even after he pries his expensively clad foot from his mouth the crowd still manages to cheer. What a sad, pathetic little man.

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