Friday, June 20, 2008

You Weren't Really Using Those Civil Liberties, Were You?

Wow, my disdain for the lame Democratic party has been renewed. The one time that they stood up to the fascist regime known as Bush, Inc. since they took the majority in 2006 was the moment they refused to pass retroactive immunity for the telecom companies. But those of us citizens with any brains left in our cynical brains knew deep down that the Democrats would end up caving. Oops, I mean compromise. How many times do we have to take this president and his boy-who-cried-wolf act seriously? This dork-in-charge actually wants to take credit for the fact that since September 11th, 2001 there has not been another terrorist attack on U.S. soil, although the number of terrorist attacks globally has certainly increased since our invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq. He might as well take credit for the fact that the earth hasn’t been destroyed by a meteor on his watch either.

I wish I had more time to write about this gang rape of our constitution, but it’s nearly ten o’clock and this morning my son Justin arose at 5, so I feel like I need to get some sleep in order to be prepared for tomorrow’s parenting duties. Besides, there are much more erudite bloggers than I that have been analyzing the Democrats official position of caving-in to the lame-duck president with the lowest approval rating since they starting gauging approval ratings. Here are a few bloggers to check out on this and other issues:
That last link (Political Carnival) is actually Cliff Schecter's blog. Cliff recently wrote a book called The Real McCain, which documents the long history of flip-flopping of John McCain and proves that the word "Maverick" is merely a product label. Cliff also knows how to school the Republican blowhards when he's matched up on the talking head shows. Here's a clip below with Cliff doing a little truth-telling about the scandalous Republicans.

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