Saturday, June 7, 2008

Dream Ticket

I’m so sick of hearing about the “dream ticket” and having the pundits hammer home again and again the idea of Hillary Clinton as Barack Obama’s running mate. This is an insane idea and just another example of media driven politics. Just because it would be great fodder for the news industry for the next five months doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. In fact, if the mainstream media are talking an idea up the vice presidential dream ticket, then it’s probably an idea which should by resisted with all your might. Hillary Clinton has run a campaign based on ego, power and greed and putting her on the ticket with Barack Obama would be self-defeating, and frankly and insult to the extraordinary campaign that Obama has run. My own guesses are far as his VP choice are just a few: Sen. Jim Webb and Sen. Chuck Hagel. Yes, Hagel is a republican, but he is against the war and therefore on the outs with the lockstep Republicans in his party. Choosing Hagel would also be a shining example of bi-partisanship and would attract a lot of those disgruntled Republicans that used to ride John McCain's Straight Talk Express until it derailed, as McCain reveals himself to be just an older more addled version of George W. Bush.

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