Thursday, January 29, 2009

Define "Soul"

The drug addled persona known as Rush Limbaugh has gotten a lot of publicity lately, and I'm guessing that is just what his colossal ego craves. I hate to add to that publicity, but I was struck by one of many asinine comments he makes. This one was from his radio show a few years back, and it was brought to my attention today by digby's blog. Here it is:

LIMBAUGH: I mean, if there is a party that's soulless, it's the Democratic Party. If there are people by definition who are soulless, it is liberals -- by definition. You know, souls come from God. You know? No. No. You can't go there.

So Rush says that souls come from God. I do not think he has any idea what he is spewing. Rush dropped out of college. He avoided the draft during the Vietnam war due to an anal cyst. I think I could surmise by his above comments that his anal cyst is alive and well, and does most of his pontificating for him. Rush does not have a degree in Philosophy, so he is in no way an authority on "the soul." Some have said that the soul and the mind are the same thing: the collection of life experiences and memories that make us who we are. Our memories and past deeds comprise our personality. If this is a better definition of soul than I would state without hesitation that Limbaugh's soul is what kept him out of the Vietnam war. Call it an anal cyst, or his soul, it still amounts to a festering pustule. For more evidence that this radio personality has a soul that reeks, here are some links I gleaned from Bob Cesca's blog today:

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra

Limbaugh Mocks Parkinson's

Rush Limbaugh Mocks a 12-Year-Old Accident Victim

And he is calling who soulless? But never mind the soul. Its very existence is debatable. What is known to exist in most human beings is a backbone, but that element of the anatomy seems to be in short supply with the Republicans lately when they are taking their marching orders from a drug addled, overweight festering pustule, who still thinks that radio is hip.

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