Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tim Russert's Folksy Stupidity

During the Bush regime certain commentators have shown their true colors, whether by wearing flag lapel pins (made in China), or through their questioning of opposition candidates. Of course we’ve always known where Faux News stands, but there are those who have admired people like Tim Russert with his folksy manner and his dad, “Big Russ.” But I’ve learned to disdain Tim over the last few years. Just this morning I was surfing by the news channels when I caught Ted Sorenson and Doris Kearns Goodwin as guests on Tim Russert’s show. They were in the midst of a conversation about Joe McCarthy and there was Tim, politely playing the devil’s advocate: “What about those who say that Joe McCarthy was right?” What is it with the lunatic fringe always wanting to rewrite history? Joe McCarthy was an insane alcoholic, whose finger pointing and the subsequent blacklists that resulted are still one of the darkest moments in our government long history of dark moments. How anyone could somehow still revere Joe McCarthy and his warped cause is beyond me. I guess these are the same people who scoff at the notion that humans may be related to apes, or that the earth is actually spherical in shape.

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