"At this season of the Winter Solstice, may reason prevail.Somehow these words have deeply offending the "silent majority" (as a reporter on Fox referred to our Christian residents.)Isn't it funny how their faith is never quite strong enough to withstand a little criticism. The reason that the sign is on display is because of a legal decision that declares that the state cannot favor one religion over any other with displays on capitol grounds. That great defender of Christian morality, Bill O'Reilly, has been quite vociferous in his condemnation of the sign and called for protests (what a surprise!) Maybe the whole story of the Crucifixion has given the Christians a perpetual persecution complex, even though they are the majority in this country, and not exactly a silent one. They have said that the sign equals hate speech. I guess they would know about hate speech. Witness the recent passage of prop. 8 in California. The sign may offend these normally loving Christians ("love thine enemy as thyself" and all that), but we still have a thing called "free speech" in this country. Bush and his cohorts haven't done away with that yet (not for the lack of trying.) Nonbelievers need a voice too, and I'm glad that FFRF (of which I am a proud member) is there to lead the way.
There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell.
There is only our natural world.
Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts
and enslaves minds."
Speaking of Christmas: a lovely (and reasonable) gift to give friends and family this season has just been released on DVD. Julia Sweeney's latest monologue Letting Go of God
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