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Monday, September 29, 2008
I Just Go Berserk!
So let me get this straight. On September 11th, 2001, Osama Bin Laden directed his minions to fly planes into the Twin Towers in part to destroy the financial infrastructure at the center of New York City. It didn’t work. Now here we are just over seven years later and the financial market is being destroyed by the same greedy bastards that have been reaping all the rewards from unregulated capitalism gone wild. There is a small voice inside of me who actually cheers on these plummeting stock market numbers; and then I remember that we have a 401K plan for our retirement that is taking some awfully big hits these days. Also, my bank — Washington Mutual — was seized by federal regulators last week. I kind of knew this was coming. Supposedly all of my money (a big $40.07) is safe, because J.P. Morgan is buying up the assets or something. It will pay $1.9 billion to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and lay claim to $307 billion of assets and $265 billion of deposits. So the bigger banks are buying up the smaller banks that are in trouble.
The big bailout vote was today and guess what? It didn’t pass. Everybody’s pointing fingers. The Republicans claim that they were ready to pass it, but then they got insulted by Nancy Pelosi’s partisan speech. Now I understand why John Boehner is always breaking down in tears: The Republicans are actually ESP’s (Extra Sensitive People.) They had their widdle feelings hurt. Too bad, so sad.
Meanwhile, back on the campaign trail, John McCain found time to blame Barack Obama for the failure of the bill to pass. McCain’s strategy is obvious now. In addition to a constant stream of lies he has added mocking and sneering to his repertoire. This is the same guy, who a week ago claimed that the fundamentals of the economy are strong. He then wanted to fire SEC Chairman Chris Cox. Then there was some nonsense about creating a 9/11 type committee to figure out how we got into this mess. The next thing you know he announced that he was “suspending his campaign,” so that he could fly back to Washington and straighten the whole thing out. All of a sudden it seemed that things were good enough for him to attend the debate. This morning his surrogates, including the ever dapper Mitt Romney, praised McCain’s leadership for the ability to get this important economy-saving legislation passed. And then it didn’t pass. It was similar to last week when early Friday morning the McCain people posted a web ad exclaiming his victory in the debate that hadn’t taken place yet. When I actually start to think about this all this crap I just go berserk!
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