Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Er...Umm...My Friends

Okay, raise your hands if you're voting for the feeble-minded, flip-flopping old guy. We've all seen the verbal blunders of G.W. Bush over the last 7 years (has it only been 7 years? Seems like 7 friggin' decades!), but do Americans really want another barely coherent rich guy running our country for the next four years? Sure, he wears $500 shoes, owns 5 or 6 houses (I lose track, as the McCains do too, since they forgot to pay the last four years of taxes on their beachfront property in Malibu.) and the McCains spend over $200,000 a year on domestic help, but are those enough qualifications to be president? Oh John. You once had us all fooled into believing that you were some type of "maverick," but now we can all see that you're just a corporate whore, who changes positions with the political wind (sometimes during commercial breaks!) to keep that pot o'gold you crave so much within your sights.

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