Friday, July 11, 2008

Liars and the Fools Who Vote for Them

Sometimes I’m amazed at the general stupidity that seems to be pervasive in our culture. I realize that there are many books about reasons behind the Republican votes of working-class citizens and how they seem to constantly vote against their own self-interest by siding with the right wing of American politics. I look at the headlines from the last couple of weeks and wonder why anyone with a speck of conscience, and who works for a living would support these fat white hypocrites on the right. Just today we seeing reverberations from Sen. Phil Gramm’s comment that the United States is a “nation of whiners” and that we were merely suffering from a “mental recession.” This is the same guy who, while he was a corporate whore in the senate, created the loopholes that allowed the banks to practice their predatory lending schemes. Of course these rich white fools are claiming that the working poor are just whiners. The McCains have so many properties that they actually forgot to pay the taxes on some beachfront property in Malibu for the last four years.

Now if you’ve been happy being hand-fed lies by the rich ruling class for the last seven and a half years, then you go right into that voting booth and vote for the most obvious liar on the ticket. Hell, John McCain, along with the criminal-in-charge known as G.W. Bush, were vociferously against the most recent G.I. Bill introduced by Senator Jim Webb (McCain didn’t even have the courage to show up for the vote), but now they’re both taking credit for getting it through the senate. Bush actually mentioned John McCain as one of the people who helped work on this important bill to get it passed. HELLO!! How big of a lie does it have to be before someone says, “Hey! That emperor has no clothes on!” The media keeps these liars cloaked with some type of media protection that dupes most of the people most of the time.

Just the other day John McCain was called on his lies by an actual Vietnam Veteran. McCain saw the man’s baseball cap with a declaration of his service embroidered on it and made a show of calling on him first. The man brought up McCain’s nonsupport of the recent G.I. bill, and his otherwise spotty record on veteran’s issues. McCain totally ignored the part of the question about the G.I. bill and then went on to claim that he had the endorsement of every veterans’ group. The actual veteran called him on that lie too. McCain’s response? Well, just watch the lying hypocrite in action:


Anonymous said...

Hayduke...these Republicans claim to be the party of family values. John McCain talked passioniately about how American are sitting around a table trying to figure out how they are going to meet their financial obligations. What a compelling image but what a crock. They have no solutions for the Middle class. They don't value familes with help. They bailed out Smith-Barney but not real American Families with foreclosures. Education & healthcare are the big issues for American Families, Its discouraging, On another theme...I see how you are severing yourself from institutional religion. There is much frustration there. My religion likely being one of the worst at controlling their members. However, on the root level, the acts of individual compassion serve humanity enormously. Christlike acts indeed are not exclusive to Christianity but Christ does set a great example for us to follow, Many of these acts of kindness come from the organization & structure of these institutions. Without these organized attempts at human service many would live bitter lonely painful lives. So there is a tradeoff. On a higher level, the belief in a God can be a source of strength in times of need and a compelling motivation to live a better more fulfilling life. Take a close look at the founding fathers.

Mark of Cascadia said...

Thanks for the comments. I may be "severing" myself from institutional religion, but I'm truly enjoying studying religion. I'm learning more about the bible and the history of religion now than I ever did when I was a churchgoer. I feel that the existence of a divine being is something I cannot know, so I fall into the agnostic category.

I checked out your blog and see that Desert Solitaire is one of your favorite books. Amen to that brother! Abbey's other collections of nature essays are also quite good.

Anonymous said...

long live Heyduke